
Monday, April 8, 2013

Current Events With Linnie

Er Shun, one of Toronto Zoo's new pandas
Once a week I take the opportunity to discuss current events with my Junior Kindergarten class. Let’s face it, a lot of news is down right depressing, so I think it is wonderful to share with the children that good things happen in the world around us, as well as right here at home.

Additionally, it opens up a dialogue on something we might never have spoken of during our day together.

Case in point, last week I shared the news that two pandas would be making their home at the Toronto Zoo. This led to a discussion regarding where they were born and when we can visit them.

FYI, the Pandas, named Er Shun and Da Mao, came from China via Fed Ex cargo plane. They have not met yet. They are being held in quarantine (word of the day, to be kept apart) in separate areas for at least 30 days.

During the flight they ate nearly 200 kg of apples and 200 kg of bamboo.

It is my hope that “Current Events with Linnie”, will find its way home to the families, thus creating dialogue with parents, friends and family members. After all, the learning that happens at school shouldn’t stop there.

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