
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Literacy: Raise a Child Who Loves to Read

Family Literacy Day was the 27th (just a couple of days ago), and literacy has been on my mind (more than usual) ever since. Created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999, this annual celebration of literacy is meant to inspire families to read together and create a dialogue about the importance of being literate.

Here are some ways to celebrate literacy every day:

-Make books part of your child's everyday life. Start reading to or with your child daily. Make it a bedtime routine.

-It's up to you to be interesting and animated, to inspire children to learn. If they want to learn, they'll absorb more. If your son like animals, select books about animals. Children also respond well to puppets, rhyming books and reading aloud in different voices.

-Library cards are free, awesome and everyone in your family needs one! The ability to borrow as many books as you'd like, free of charge, opens child up to world of reading. You can even take out books and music in multiple languages! I recommend Robert Munsch books.

-Going to the library or bookstore should be as natural as going to the park.

-Music. Children learn through rhyme. Repetition, catchy music and lyrics help instill literacy in kids.

-Encourage your child's imagination through stories on flannel boards, puppetry or educational computer games.

Wonderful links about literacy:

-Storytelling Tips from Robert Munsch
-Literacy Activities from ABC Life Literacy Canada
-Pete the Cat

Friday, January 25, 2013

Link Love 25.1.2013

10 things everyone should know how to do by 30. I agree with most of this list. How about you?

12 Creative Family Portraits.

This story of kindness is incredibly inspiring.

Jennifer recently went to the library with her daughter:
A library is where books live and it’s impossible not to feel tranquil in that quiet atmosphere. I love circling through all of the stacks and slowly thumbing through the different volumes before delving into a certain section. As silly as it sounds, somehow it makes me feel more illuminated. More relaxed. As if somehow the books are transferring their deepest secrets to me.
I relate. Do you?

Provide encouragement, support, and empowerment for parents dealing with children with special needs with these Love Notes from

Make DIY Mickey & Friends bookmarks this weekend! What a clever idea. Simply print out small pictures of your favourite Disney characters, fold them over, place a magnet on the bottom of each side, and voila!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Link Love 18.1.2013

Winter Balloon Fun. This is so cool... literally!

Curious about IEPs?
The Individual Education Program Plan (IEP) is a written plan developed by the parents and the schools special education team that specifies the students academic goals and the method to obtain these goals.

These printable thank you cards are gorgeous!

What is an advocate?

Beyonce's baby, Blue Ivy Carter, is adorable. Speaking of celebrity babies, Lily Allen welcomed Marnie Rose earlier this week.

This is an amazing book. I'm reading it right now. It makes me feel hopeful and inspired!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013